Legislation Passed
Budget and Appropriations
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S3521 (4/8/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Makes $15 million in federal funds available to EDA and New Jersey Council on the Arts to support arts and culture organizations in need.
S3524 (4/9/2021) — First primary sponsor — Makes $35 million in federal funds available to EDA to support food and beverage establishments in need.
S3792 (6/22/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Appropriates $20 million from General Fund to EDA to support food and beverage establishments impacted by COVID-19 pandemic.
S3793 (6/22/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Appropriates $50 million from General Fund to EDA to support businesses and nonprofit organizations impacted by COVID-19 pandemic.
S3794 (6/22/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Appropriates $10 million from General Fund to EDA to support Sustain and Serve NJ Program.
S3795 (6/22/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Establishes Startup Business and Nonprofit Assistance Program in EDA to support new businesses and nonprofit organizations following COVID-19 pandemic; appropriates $25 million.
S3796 (6/22/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Appropriates $120 million from General Fund to EDA to support microbusinesses impacted by COVID-19 pandemic.
S3797 (6/22/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Appropriates $10 million from General Fund to EDA to support child care providers impacted by COVID-19 pandemic.
S3428 (6/29/2021) — Co-sponsor — Expands eligibility under New Jersey earned income tax credit program to allow taxpayers who are at least 18 years of age or older to qualify for modified benefit.
S3949 (6/29/2021) — Co-sponsor — FY 2021 State supplemental appropriation; appropriates $100.3 million in General Fund monies and $14.4 million in Property Tax Relief Fund monies.
S3999 (6/30/2021) — Co-sponsor — Authorizes Secretary of State and New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission to share voter and motor vehicle information with state-based non-profit organization for maintaining accuracy of voter registration information.
S3982 (7/21/2021) — Co-sponsor — Makes $135 million in federal funds available to EDA to support eligible entities impacted by COVID-19 pandemic.
S3398 (7/22/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Requires public community water systems to inventory and replace lead service lines within 10 years; provides for recoupment of costs by investor-owned public water systems.
S3691 (8/4/2021) — Co-sponsor — Provides financial relief to certain landlords and tenants in response to COVID-19 pandemic, adjusts certain court fees; and makes appropriations.
S3995 (8/24/2021) — Co-sponsor — Establishes School and Small Business Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program Fund in BPU.
S3948 (11/8/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Authorizes supplemental State aid to school districts receiving certain federal Impact Aid; makes appropriation.
S4221 (1/12/2022) — Co-primary sponsor — Appropriates $37,174,636.71 from “New Jersey Library Construction Fund” to provide grants for construction, reconstruction, development, extension, improvement, and furnishing of New Jersey’s public libraries.
S4076 (1/18/2022) — Co-primary sponsor — Appropriates $500,000 for USS New Jersey Commissioning Committee to support commissioning of boat and assigned personnel.
S2747 (6/27/2018) — First primary sponsor — Amends and supplements various appropriations and language provisions in Fiscal Year 2018 annual State appropriations act.
S2839 (12/17/2018) — First primary sponsor — Makes General Fund supplemental appropriation of $250,000 to New Jersey Manufacturing Extension Program, Inc.
S3080 (1/8/2019) — Co-primary sponsor — Makes supplemental appropriation of $11,300,000 from General Fund to DOE to increase per pupil funding for nonpublic security aid from $75 to $150.
S2992 (2/14/2019) — First primary sponsor — Provides for horse racing purse subsidies and that portion of sums received by the horse racing permit holder from sports wagering will be paid to horsemen’s associations pursuant to agreement with racetrack; makes appropriation.
S4247 (1/21/2020) — First primary sponsor — Establishes criteria for distribution of Fiscal Year 2020 funding to Community Food Bank of New Jersey and partner organizations.
Civil Rights
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S3763 (11/8/2021) — First primary sponsor — Establishes Asian American Pacific Islander Commission.
S3416 (1/10/2022) — Co-primary sponsor — Codifies same-sex marriage in the statutes.
S2951 (1/18/2022) — First primary sponsor — Expands offenses eligible for expungement upon successful discharge from drug court.
S705 (7/3/2018) — Co-sponsor — Establishes Transgender Equality Task Force.
S477 (5/13/2019) — Co-sponsor — Extends statute of limitations in civil actions for sexual abuse claims; expands categories of potential defendants in civil actions; creates two-year window for parties to bring previously time-barred actions based on sexual abuse.
S3528 (1/13/2020) — Co-sponsor — Establishes process to obtain judgement of adoption for civil union partner or spouse of natural or legal parent of child when that person is named as parent on child’s birth certificate.
S2609 (1/21/2020) — Co-primary sponsor — Prevents criminal defendent from asserting “gay and transgender panic” defense to murder charge in order to reduce charge to manslaughter committed in heat of passion.
Commemorative Resolutions
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SJR82 (3/9/2021) — First primary sponsor — Designates March 9 of each year “COVID-19 Heroes Day” in New Jersey.
SJR41 (11/8/2021) — Co-sponsor — Designates June 2 of each year as “Gun Violence Awareness Day.
SJR63 (3/29/2018) — First primary sponsor — Designates March of each year as “Professional Social Work Month” in New Jersey.
SJR58 (4/9/2018) — Co-sponsor — Designates April of every year as “Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Month.”
SJR56 (5/14/2018) — Co-sponsor — Recognizes 70th anniversary of establishment of State of Israel.
SJR16 (7/20/2018) — Co-sponsor — Designates June 4 of each year as “Tourette Syndrome Awareness Day” in New Jersey.
SJR102 (11/19/2018) — First primary sponsor — Designates Monday before Thanksgiving Day of each year as “A Day in the Life – Type 1 Diabetes Day.”
SJR57 (4/14/2019) — Co-sponsor — Designates April 14th of each year as “Sikh Day.”
SJR108 (5/9/2019) — First primary sponsor — Designates Thursday of third week of September of each year as “Food Waste Prevention Day” in New Jersey.
SJR101 (5/10/2019) — First primary sponsor — Designates March 15 of each year as Peter Francisco Day in New Jersey.
SJR27 (5/31/2019) — First primary sponsor — Designates May of each year as “Small Business Month” in New Jersey.
SJR127 (6/7/2019) — Co-primary sponsor — Designates June 10 of each year as “Portugal Day” in New Jersey.
SJR114 (6/12/2019) — Co-sponsor — Designates June 12 of each year as “Women Veterans Appreciation Day” in New Jersey.
SJR65 (1/21/2020) — Co-sponsor — Designates March 19th “Women in Public Office Day” in New Jersey.
SJR125 (1/21/2020) — First primary sponsor — Designates the second week of October of each year as “Obesity Care Week” in NJ.
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S848 (12/14/2020) — Co-primary sponsor — Revises requirements for health care service firms to report financial information to Division of Consumer Affairs.
S2582 (12/14/2020) — First primary sponsor — Revises psychologist training requirements.
S3169 (5/12/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Requires certain insurers to provide summary concerning business interruption insurance.
S3266 (8/24/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Allows corporations and certain financial institutions to hold remote shareholder meetings.
S1726 (11/8/2021) — Co-sponsor — Prohibits sale of cosmetic products that have been tested on animals.
S2241 (5/10/2019) — First primary sponsor — Requires Department of State to develop “New Jersey-Made” designation.
S49/3807 (6/28/2019) — Co-primary sponsor — Authorizes DOBI to establish State-based exchange for certain health insurance plans; requires DHS to apply for federal funds for integration of Medicaid eligibility platform and exchange.
S2807 (8/9/2019) — Co-sponsor — Concerns service of food or refreshments on mortuary premises.
S3531 (8/9/2019) — First primary sponsor — Prohibits leasing dogs and cats.
S2690/2727 (8/23/2019) — Co-sponsor — Prohibits pharmacy benefits managers and carriers from engaging in “clawback” and “gag clause” practices; requires certain disclosures by pharmacists; requires Director of Division of Consumer Affairs to conduct public information campaign.
Community and Urban Affairs
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S1586 (11/27/2018) — First primary sponsor — Adds Monmouth County and Atlantic County as pilot counties for purposes of “Common Sense Shared Services Pilot Program Act.”
S3582 (6/21/2019) — Co-sponsor — Extends foreclosure protection and mortgage relief programs for certain Superstorm Sandy-impacted homeowners.
S855 (7/19/2019) — Co-sponsor — Requires property tax bills to contain eligibility information on State tax relief programs.
S3158 (8/9/2019) — First primary sponsor — Makes transient accommodation taxes and fees only applicable if it is obtained through a marketplace or if it is a professionally managed unit.
S3191 (1/21/2020) — First primary sponsor — Concerns reimbursements to Superstorm Sandy-impacted homeowners subjected to contractor fraud.
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S2289 (3/19/2020) — Co-primary sponsor — Establishes certain requirements to use telemedicine and telehealth to respond to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
S2295 (3/20/2020) — Co-primary sponsor — Permits extension of deadlines for adoption of county and municipal budgets under certain circumstances.
S2301 (3/20/2020) — Co-primary sponsor — Concerns time off from work in connection with infectious disease.
S2333 (4/14/2020) — Co-sponsor — Provides civil and criminal immunity to certain health care professionals and health care facilities during public health emergency and state of emergency; facilitates issuance of certain temporary licenses and certifications during public health emergency and state of emergency.
S2336 (4/14/2020) — Co-primary sponsor — Allows remote notarial acts during Public Health Emergency and State of Emergency declared by Governor in Executive Order 103 of 2020.
S2338 (4/14/2020) — Co-sponsor — “COVID-19 Fiscal Mitigation Act”; clarifies filing and payment deadline for CBT and GIT taxpayers, modifies duration of State Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021, requires certain updates and presentation for State Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021.
S2413 (5/15/2020) — First primary sponsor — Concerns delivery and sale of alcoholic beverages during declared state of emergency; requires ABC director to notify licensees of certain tax exemptions during emergency.
S2526 (6/19/2020) — Co-sponsor — Permits local units and authorities to waive interest and lien enforcement for certain delinquent water and sewer utility payments during emergency circumstances.
S2383 (6/26/2020) — Co-sponsor — Requires Commissioner of Education to establish three-year “Bridge Year Pilot Program” for certain students who were impacted by public health state of emergency caused by coronavirus disease 2019.
S2437 (6/26/2020) — First primary sponsor — Limits service fees charged to restaurants by third-party food takeout and delivery applications during COVID-19 state of emergency.
S2433 (7/1/2020) — First primary sponsor — Requires electronic signature and submission process for all candidate, recall, initiative, and referendum petitions for remaining 2020 elections and thereafter during COVID-19 emergency.
S2467 (7/1/2020) — Co-sponsor — Extends duration of certain laws pertaining to use of telemedicine and telehealth in relation to COVID-19 pandemic.
S2755 (12/14/2020) — First primary sponsor — Authorizes individuals who have passed road test to use driving permit to operate motor vehicle for 60 days during COVID-19 public health emergency.
S2597 (12/30/2020) — First primary sponsor — Extends time period during which seasonal retail consumption license holders may sell alcoholic beverages following COVID-19 pandemic.
S3340 (2/5/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Expands opportunities for restaurants, bars, distilleries, and breweries to provide outdoor dining and permits certain sales at seasonal farm markets in response to COVID-19 public health emergency.
S3584 (7/1/2021) — Co-sponsor — Establishes immunity relating to COVID-19 spread in planned real estate developments.
S3714 (7/1/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Concerns liability of certain non-profit and governmental employers for unemployment benefits paid during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic state of emergency.
S3713 (8/4/2021) — Co-sponsor — Establishes confidentiality of court records of certain eviction actions initiated during COVID-19 pandemic.
S3041 (11/8/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Requires DOH to publish total number of COVID-19 deaths and cases in long-term care facilities.
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S2303 (9/11/2020) — Co-sponsor — Concerns subcontracting agreements entered into by public school districts and county colleges.
S1271/2588/2660 (3/1/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Establishes requirements for closures of private career schools and institutions of higher education, modifies review process of new academic programs, and requires approval of branch campuses.
S2781 (3/1/2021) — Co-sponsor — Requires school districts to include instruction on diversity and inclusion as part of implementation of New Jersey Student Learning Standards.
S356 (11/8/2021) — Co-sponsor — Establishes study commission to examine development of mutually beneficial relationships between institutions of higher education and municipalities.
S550 (11/8/2021) — Co-sponsor — Requires certain student identification cards to contain telephone number for suicide prevention hotline.
S3683 (1/10/2022) — Co-primary sponsor — Requires institutions of higher education to provide certain student loan information.
S1020 (1/18/2022) — Co-primary sponsor — Requires school districts and charter schools to report discipline data on their websites and to Commissioner of Education; requires DOE to establish database and complete annual report concerning student disciplinary actions.
S3127 (1/18/2022) — Co-primary sponsor — Requires institutions of higher education to provide students with access to mental health care programs and services and to establish a hotline to provide information concerning the availability of those services.
S3764 (1/18/2022) — First primary sponsor — Establishes Commission on Asian American Heritage in DOE.
S4020 (1/18/2022) — First primary sponsor — Expands bonding authority of New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority to permit financing for general funding needs of New Jersey’s institutions of higher education.
S4021 (1/18/2022) — First primary sponsor — Requires school districts to provide instruction on history and contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders as part of implementation of New Jersey Student Learning Standards in Social Studies.
S1918 (5/16/2018) — Co-primary sponsor — Requires pupils who reside on certain federal property to enroll in resident school district in accordance with schedule determined by executive county superintendent of schools.
S2456 (8/17/2018) — First primary sponsor — Permits school district superintendent to designate school employee with certain expertise as school safety specialist.
S2397 (12/17/2018) — First primary sponsor — Requires institutions of higher education to provide alternative arrangements to students unable to complete certain assignments by regular due date or register for courses because of day of religious observance.
S3108 (1/31/2019) — Co-sponsor — Requires school districts to incorporate instruction in grades six through 12 on law and meaning of consent for physical contact and sexual activity as part of Student Learning Standards in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education.
S703 (5/10/2019) — Co-sponsor — Establishes pilot program in DOE to recruit disadvantaged or minority men to teach in certain underperforming schools under alternate route program.
S2045 (8/5/2019) — Co-sponsor — Establishes Working Group on Deaf Education; directs DOE to develop parent resource guide; requires DOE and DOH to collect and report certain data on delays in deaf and hard of hearing children from birth to age 5.
S2861/3081 (8/9/2019) — Co-sponsor — Requires health curriculum for public school students in grades kindergarten through 12 to include instruction on mental health.
S2660 (8/23/2019) — First primary sponsor — Establishes grant program and tuition reimbursement program for certain teachers of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; appropriates $5 million to DOE.
S3789 (8/23/2019) — First primary sponsor — Provides in-State tuition at public institutions of higher education to individuals living in NJ who are entitled to educational assistance under US Department of Veterans Affairs’ Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program.
S778 (1/13/2020) — Co-sponsor — Establishes Campus Sexual Assault Commission.
S3258 (1/13/2020) — Co-sponsor — “Strengthening Gifted and Talented Education Act”; establishes school district responsibilities in educating gifted and talented students.
S3519 (1/13/2020) — Co-sponsor — Requires four-year public institution of higher education to award college credits to firefighters for certain courses completed at county fire academies.
S376 (1/21/2020) — Co-primary sponsor — Eliminates eligibility time limit on tuition benefits for spouses of certain public safety workers killed in performance of their duties.
S2555 (1/21/2020) — First primary sponsor — Allows dependent students whose parents or guardians hold H-1B visas to qualify for in-State tuition at public institutions of higher education provided they meet certain criteria.
S3065 (1/21/2020) — Co-sponsor — Establishes youth apprenticeship pilot program in Department of Education.
S3756 (1/21/2020) — Co-sponsor — Requires limited purpose regional school districts to coordinate with constituent districts regarding school calendar and curriculum.
Environment and Energy
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S3228 (12/23/2020) — First primary sponsor — Appropriates $12 million from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues to State Agriculture Development Committee for county planning incentive grants for farmland preservation purposes.
S1245 (1/7/2021) — First primary sponsor — Establishes housing of equine-related farm employees in facilities with horses under certain conditions as “Right to Farm” permissible activity; requires State Agriculture Development Committee agricultural management practice that permits such housing.
S975 (5/11/2021) — Co-sponsor — Establishes trunk fighting as animal cruelty offense and crime of the third degree.
S2846 (5/12/2021) — First primary sponsor — Requires State agencies in awarding contracts for purchase of items that require power source to consider items powered by fuel cells.
S2142 (7/9/2021) — Co-sponsor — Encourages development of zero-emission vehicle fueling and charging infrastructure in redevelopment projects.
S3287 (9/16/2021) — Co-sponsor — Concerns provision of energy to certain manufacturing facilities by providing exemptions to certain energy related taxes.
S3263 (11/8/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Increases fee for NJ Waterfowl Stamps.
S3324 (1/18/2022) — Co-sponsor — Establishes minimum energy and water efficiency standards for certain products sold, offered for sale, or leased in the State.
S3539 (1/18/2022) — Co-primary sponsor — Directs DEP to establish grant program for local governments to support development of community gardens.
S598 (2/21/2018) — Co-sponsor — Requires NJ to join U.S. Climate Alliance to uphold Paris Climate Accord.
S258 (4/20/2018) — Co-sponsor — Prohibits offshore oil and gas exploration, development, and production in State waters, and issuance of DEP permits and approvals for activities associated with offshore oil and gas activities.
S2534 (7/20/2018) — Co-primary sponsor — Revises “New Jersey Smoke-Free Air Act” to prohibit smoking at public beaches and parks.
S3179 (1/31/2019) — Co-primary sponsor — Appropriates $8,896,229 to State Agriculture Development Committee for farmland preservation purposes.
S3180 (1/31/2019) — First primary sponsor — Appropriates $15,000,000 from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues to State Agriculture Development Committee for municipal planning incentive grants for farmland preservation purposes.
S3181 (1/31/2019) — Co-primary sponsor — Appropriates $1,591,000 from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues to State Agriculture Development Committee for grants to certain nonprofit organizations for farmland preservation purposes.
S1074 (5/3/2019) — Co-sponsor — Provides for protection of public right of access to certain public trust lands.
S1923 (5/7/2019) — Co-primary sponsor — Revises criteria for determining whether dog is vicious or potentially dangerous.
S3235 (5/9/2019) — First primary sponsor — Establishes Farm Liaison in Department of Agriculture.
S3146 (8/9/2019) — Co-sponsor — Establishes owning or possessing animal fighting or dog fighting paraphernalia as crime of third degree; establishes civil animal cruelty penalties therefor.
S606 (11/6/2019) — Co-sponsor — Encourages local units to plan for electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
S3215 (1/13/2020) — Co-sponsor — Requires State to use 20-year time horizon and most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Assessment Report when calculating global warming potential to measure global warming impact of greenhouse gases.
S2252 (1/17/2020) — Co-sponsor — Establishes goals and initiatives for increased use of use of plug-in electric vehicles.
Health and Human Services
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S2566/2677 (12/14/2020) — Co-primary sponsor — Requires long term care facilities and hospitals to maintain minimum supply of personal protective equipment.
S515 (2/22/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Requires DOH to license certain qualifying hospitals to provide full service adult diagnostic cardiac catheterization, primary angioplasty, and elective angioplasty services.
S1763 (3/1/2021) — First primary sponsor — Criminalizes certain payments for referral of patients to substance use disorder treatment facilities.
S2545 (3/3/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Establishes certain requirements concerning rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, undesignated/non-binary, questioning, queer, intersex, and HIV-postive residents of long-term care facilities.
S2323 (4/19/2021) — First primary sponsor — Requires opioid antidote prescriptions for certain patients.
S887 (7/2/2021) — Co-sponsor — Requires DHS to contract with third party entity to apply risk reduction model to Medicaid prescription drug services.
S3491 (7/2/2021) — Co-sponsor — Revises and expands authorization for any person or entity to obtain, distribute, and administer opioid antidotes.
S3802 (7/2/2021) — First primary sponsor — Requires Division of Consumer Affairs to publish retail price of certain opioid antidotes.
S690 (7/29/2021) — Co-sponsor — Establishes Statewide universal newborn home nurse visitation program in DCF; appropriates $2.75 million.
S2506 (9/24/2021) — First primary sponsor — Enters New Jersey into Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact.
S1078 (9/30/2021) — Co-sponsor — Requires Commissioner of Human Services to streamline SNAP application process for senior citizens and conduct outreach regarding senior SNAP participation.
S3941 (9/30/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Directs DHS to develop mobile software for SNAP recipients; appropriates $2 million.
S249 (11/8/2021) — Co-sponsor — Requires pharmacy benefits manager providing services within Medicaid program to disclose certain information to DHS.
S2701 (11/8/2021) — First primary sponsor — Requires Department of Human Services to develop public emergency response plan for licensed providers of services to individuals with developmental disabilities.
S749 (1/10/2022) — First primary sponsor — Provides for voluntary contributions by taxpayers on gross income tax returns for ovarian cancer research.
S49 (1/13/2022) — Co-primary sponsor — Codifies constitutional right to freedom of reproductive choice.
S52 (1/18/2022) — Co-sponsor — Establishes local drug overdose fatality review teams.
S1040 (1/18/2022) — First primary sponsor — Authorizes certain Medicaid recipients residing on post-secondary school campus to participate remotely in meetings of non-medical nature regarding Medicaid benefits.
S2561 (1/18/2022) — First primary sponsor — Establishes minimum Medicaid reimbursement rate for adult medical day care services.
S3009 (1/18/2022) — Co-primary sponsor — Authorizes expanded provision of harm reduction services to distribute sterile syringes and provide certain support services to persons who use drugs intravenously.
S4233 (1/18/2022) — Co-primary sponsor — Limits fees charged to patients and authorized third parties for copies of medical and billing records.
S4235 (1/18/2022) — Co-primary sponsor — Permits volunteer paramedics to operate within mobile intensive care units.
S105 (2/21/2018) — Co-sponsor — Provides Medicaid coverage for family planning services to individuals with incomes up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level.
S120 (2/21/2018) — Co-sponsor — Makes FY 2018 supplemental appropriation of $7,453,000 to DOH for family planning services.
S1870 (5/30/2018) — Co-sponsor — Requires Child Fatality and Near Fatality Review Board to study racial and ethnic disparities that contribute to infant mortality.
S478 (7/3/2018) — Co-sponsor — “Babs Siperstein Law”; revises procedure for issuance of amended birth certificate for person who has undergone change in gender.
S2679 (1/31/2019) — Co-primary sponsor — Establishes reciprocity requirements for out-of-State certified nurse aides to practice in New Jersey.
S1339 (4/11/2019) — Co-sponsor — Enhances enforcement and oversight of mental health condition and substance use disorder parity laws.
S3406 (5/8/2019) — Co-sponsor — Codifies current practice regarding completion of Perinatal Risk Assessment form by certain Medicaid health care providers.
S1729 (5/10/2019) — Co-sponsor — Designates Streptomyces griseus as New Jersey State Microbe.
S1761 (7/19/2019) — Co-sponsor — Expands the Address Confidentiality Program to include victims of sexual assault and stalking; and reproductive health service patients and providers.
S3323 (8/5/2019) — Co-sponsor — Requires VCCO’s victim counseling service to partner with trauma centers to refer certain victims to violence intervention programs.
S2682 (8/9/2019) — Co-sponsor — Requires certain health care facilities to provide information concerning palliative care and hospice care services.
S3376 (8/9/2019) — Co-sponsor — Requires DOH to establish “My Life, My Plan” program to support women of childbearing age in developing reproductive life plan.
S4103 (1/2/2020) — Co-sponsor — Makes FY 2020 supplemental appropriation of $9.5 million to DOH for family planning services.
S974 (1/21/2020) — Co-sponsor — Requires newborn infants be screened for spinal muscular atrophy.
S1032 (1/21/2020) — Co-primary sponsor — Concerns expansion of services provided by DHS mental health screening services.
S2629 (1/21/2020) — Co-primary sponsor — Requires hospitals and homeless shelters to provide information on services and resources to individuals who are homeless or military veterans.
S3227 (1/21/2020) — First primary sponsor — Requires restaurants to post signs advising customers to notify servers of food allergies; requires restaurant managers to complete food allergen training.
S3692 (1/21/2020) — Co-sponsor — Requires DHS to study social isolation occurring in certain population groups.
Labor Rights
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S989 (4/29/2021) — Co-sponsor — “Healthy Terminals Act”; requires certain airport and train station workers to be paid certain wage rates and benefits.
S3115 (7/7/2021) — First primary sponsor — Modifies process for obtaining working certificates for minors.
S2998 (9/24/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Requires employers to provide hiring preference to employees who have reached maximum medical improvement following work-related injury.
S3418 (1/18/2022) — First primary sponsor — Provides fast track hiring and advancement employment opportunities by State for persons with significant disabilities.
S104 (4/24/2018) — Co-sponsor — Concerns equal pay and employment discrimination.
S1046 (8/10/2018) — Co-primary sponsor — Concerns unemployment compensation and labor disputes.
S1887 (8/23/2019) — Co-sponsor — Directs Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development to establish pilot program to assist certain unemployed and underemployed individuals to complete industry-valued Credentials in 12 months.
S3945 (12/19/2019) — Co-sponsor — “Create a Respectful and Open Workspace for Natural Hair Act”- CROWN Act; addresses discrimination under “Law Against Discrimination” based on traits historically associated with race, particularly focused on hair texture and style.
S3061 (1/21/2020) — Co-sponsor — Provides corporation business tax and gross income tax credits for businesses that participate in DOL registered apprenticeship programs; establishes grant program for tax-exempt organizations participating in DOL registered apprenticeship programs.
S3170 (1/21/2020) — Co-sponsor — Increases prenotification time and requires severance pay in certain plant closings, transfers, and mass layoffs.
Law and Public Safety
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S3089 (12/23/2020) — Co-sponsor — Makes supplemental appropriation of $58,000,000 for NJ Statewide Body Worn Camera Program.
S280 (1/29/2021) — Co-sponsor — Directs the development and posting of notices containing information for victims of human trafficking.
S3565 (3/26/2021) — First primary sponsor — Requires law enforcement to provide written notification to parent or guardian of person under age 18 who commits first offense of unlawfully possessing or consuming alcoholic beverage, cannabis, marijuana, or hashish.
S2508 (7/22/2021) — First primary sponsor — Revises law concerning notaries and notarial acts; authorizes electronic signatures.
S3049 (8/5/2021) — Co-sponsor — Establishes regional municipal court pilot program.
S3361 (8/20/2021) — Co-sponsor — Prohibits State and local entities and private detention facilities from entering into agreement to detain noncitizens.
S3823 (11/8/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Expands State corrections officers training to include topics contributing to their core mission of treating inmates with dignity, fairness, and respect.
S3105 (1/10/2022) — First primary sponsor — Requires certain family or household members and victims be notified when firearms are returned to persons charged with domestic violence or subject to extreme risk protection order.
S2921 (1/18/2022) — First primary sponsor — Allows municipalities to designate outdoor areas upon which people may consume alcoholic beverages.
S3433 (1/18/2022) — Co-sponsor — Provides for process to vacate and expunge certain arrests, charges, complaints, convictions, other dispositions, and DNA records, associated with violations by certain human trafficking victims.
S3673 (1/18/2022) — First primary sponsor — Authorizes limited breweries and craft distilleries to sell at retail and offer for sampling purposes product bottled and stored off-site under certain circumstances.
SJR79 (9/14/2020) — Co-sponsor — Creates commission to study sexual assault, misconduct, and harassment by staff against inmates in State correctional facilities.
S102 (6/13/2018) — Co-sponsor — Reduces maximum capacity of ammunition magazines to 10 rounds.
S160 (6/13/2018) — First primary sponsor — Requires firearms seizure when certain health professional determines patient poses threat of harm to self or others.
S2245 (6/13/2018) — Co-sponsor — Adopts federal definition of armor piercing ammunition.
S2498 (8/17/2018) — First primary sponsor — Allows issuance of additional alcoholic beverage licenses within boundaries of formerly federally owned or operated military installations.
S1958 (12/17/2018) — First primary sponsor — Establishes permit to allow seasonal retail consumption license holders to sell alcoholic beverages during certain off-season dates.
S3245 (3/18/2019) — Co-primary sponsor — Revises law governing Class Three special law enforcement officer.
S101 (7/16/2019) — Co-sponsor — Establishes commission to approve personalized handguns; requires firearm retailers to sell personalized handguns.
S2545 (7/16/2019) — Co-sponsor — Requires AG and Commissioner of Health to establish suicide prevention training course and informational materials for firearm retail dealers.
S2691 (8/23/2019) — Co-sponsor — Makes supplemental appropriation of $100,000 to Commission on Human Trafficking.
S1730 (1/20/2020) — Co-sponsor — Establishes training program to prevent suicide by law enforcement officer; requires reporting of law enforcement officer suicides to Attorney General.
S2501 (1/20/2020) — First primary sponsor — Imposes motor vehicle penalty points for certain violations of “move over law”; establishes public awareness campaign; designated as “Slow Down or Move Over, It’s the Law Act.”
S3272 (1/20/2020) — Co-sponsor — Establishes “Blue Alert System.”
S1648 (1/21/2020) — Co-sponsor — Permits theaters with 50 seats or more to apply for liquor license.
S2924 (1/21/2020) — Co-sponsor — Amends certain provisions of sexual assault statute to clarify elements necessary for conviction.
S3228 (1/21/2020) — First primary sponsor — Establishes Statewide Hit and Run Advisory Program to facilitate apprehension of persons fleeing motor vehicle accident scene; designated as “Zackhary’s Law.”
S3422 (1/21/2020) — Co-sponsor — Requires declaration of Code Blue alert when National Weather Service predicts temperatures of 32 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.
Military and Veterans' Affairs
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S2815 (4/19/2021) — First primary sponsor — Requires DMVA assist service members discharged solely due to LGBTQ status with petitions to change discharge designation.
S3904 (9/16/2021) — First primary sponsor — Requires DMVA veterans’ memorial homes to communicate with veterans’ guardians via at least two communication means.
S3905 (9/16/2021) — First primary sponsor — Allows veteran’s guardian to remove veteran from DMVA veterans’ memorial home under certain emergency circumstances.
S3906 (9/16/2021) — First primary sponsor — Requires DMVA veterans’ memorial homes to hold quarterly town hall meetings with veterans’ guardians.
S3907 (9/16/2021) — First primary sponsor — Requires position of resident advocate at each State veterans’ memorial home.
S2817 (1/10/2022) — First primary sponsor — Allows active duty service members to provide document other than DD-214 when claiming veterans’ preference for civil service.
S2224 (1/18/2022) — First primary sponsor — Provides civil service preference to military service members who did not serve in theater of operation but received campaign or expedition medal.
S3783 (1/18/2022) — First primary sponsor — Permits dependents of military member to enroll in school district in advance of military member’s relocation to district.
S3960 (6/30/2019) — Co-sponsor — Increases gross income tax deduction available to veterans from $3,000 to $6,000.
S1331 (8/5/2019) — First primary sponsor — Extends eligibility for veterans’ property tax deduction to exemption to residents of continuing care retirement communities.
S3529 (8/5/2019) — First primary sponsor — Grants veteran discharged under honorable conditions right to peddler’s license.
S3833 (1/21/2020) — First primary sponsor — Establishes uniform standard for acceptable proof of veteran status for veteran’s ID cards and various State and local programs.
State and Local Government
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S19 (9/10/2020) — Co-sponsor — Designates, as State and public holiday, third Friday in June as Juneteenth Day.
S2838 (1/29/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Revises certain aspects of the State procurement process and permits auction or reverse auction procedures.
S1017 (4/19/2021) — First primary sponsor — Provides retirement allowance after 20 years of service regardless of age for current members of PFRS who retire within two years.
S758 (6/30/2021) — First primary sponsor — Reopens Workers Compensation Judges Part of PERS and requires Workers’ Compensation Judges to be enrolled in PERS.
S3780 (9/24/2021) — Co-sponsor — Permits prosecutors to enroll in Prosecutors Part of PERS.
S3164 (1/18/2022) — First primary sponsor — Creates NJ Legislative Youth Council.
S3977 (1/18/2022) — Co-primary sponsor — Establishes advisory council for the brewery, cidery, meadery, and distillery industries in NJ and provides for funding through certain alcoholic beverage tax receipts.
S4201 (1/18/2022) — Co-primary sponsor — Mandates periodic cancer screening examinations for firefighters enrolled in SHBP.
S3474 (7/8/2019) — Co-sponsor — Permits certain members or retirees of PFRS, SPRS, or PERS to receive accidental disability retirement allowance for disability resulting from participation in 9/11 World Trade Center rescue, recovery, or cleanup operations.
S2858 (8/9/2019) — First primary sponsor — Prohibits issuance of certain badges to NJT board members, PANYNJ commissioners, and local and State elected officials.
S1403 (8/23/2019) — Co-sponsor — Permits service credit transferred from another State-administered retirement system to apply toward creditable service requirement for retirement in SPRS.
S3983 (1/13/2020) — Co-sponsor — Requires certain public employees receive additional training to manage harassment or discrimination complaints.
S1972 (1/21/2020) — First primary sponsor — Requires Legislature to adopt and distribute policy prohibiting sexual harassment; requires members, officers, and employees of Legislature to complete online training on policy once every two years.
S3981 (1/21/2020) — Co-sponsor — Requires Civil Service Commission to establish and maintain hotline for State employees to submit reports of workplace discrimination and harassment.
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S3924 (8/24/2021) — First primary sponsor — Authorizes NJ Infrastructure Bank to expend certain sums to make loans for transportation infrastructure projects for FY2022.
S4246 (1/18/2022) — First primary sponsor — Requires certain motor vehicle dealers to maintain certain requirements for business premises.
S470 (7/26/2018) — Co-sponsor — Designates portion of Interstate Highway Route 195 in Township of Howell as “State Trooper Marc K. Castellano Memorial Highway.”
S630 (12/20/2018) — Co-sponsor — Provides governance, oversight, and accountability reforms at NJT.
S1773 (3/18/2019) — Co-primary sponsor — Requires display of identifying information on rear of school bus so public may report bus driver misconduct.
S731 (5/13/2019) — Co-sponsor — Regulates operation of low-speed electric bicycles and low-speed electric scooters.
S469 (1/13/2020) — Co-primary sponsor — “P.I.C.K. Awareness Act”; authorizes issuance of special support recovery license plates.
S3126 (1/21/2020) — First primary sponsor — Requires drivers to stop at railroad crossing when on-track equipment is approaching railroad crossing.
Promoting Economic Development
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S846 (5/30/2018) — Co-sponsor — Reinstates and extends duration of certain UEZs; requires DCA to study UEZ program and report recommendations to the Legislature.
S1840 (8/17/2018) — Co-primary sponsor — Establishes “Economic Redevelopment and Growth Grant Bond Financing Act,” authorizing issuance of bonds secured by pledge of Economic Redevelopment and Growth Grant proceeds, municipal liens, and special assessment; expands “Redevelopment Area Bond Financing Law;” extends time to complete certain projects under “Long Term Tax Exemption Law.”
S3145 (11/21/2018) — Co-primary sponsor — Directs Dept. of Agriculture to create pilot program to research cultivation of industrial hemp.
S2499 (12/17/2018) — First primary sponsor — Directs the Division of Travel and Tourism to publish on its website information of farm-to-table restaurants.
SJR77 (5/13/2019) — First primary sponsor — Designates last full week of July of each year as “Buy Local Week.”
Tourism, Gaming, and the Arts
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S3235 (2/4/2021) — Co-sponsor — Appropriates $11,777,499 from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues to NJ Historic Trust for grants for certain historic preservation projects and associated administrative expenses.
S3198 (5/11/2021) — Co-primary sponsor — Extends time outstanding parimutuel ticket may be claimed from six months to 12 months; allows additional time to claim outstanding parimutuel tickets and unclaimed cash vouchers due to Public Health Emergency.
S3090 (8/5/2021) — First primary sponsor — Authorizes fixed odds wagering on horse races through fixed odds wagering system.
S3760 (1/18/2022) — First primary sponsor — Changes deadline for New Jersey Racing Commission’s annual report from end of calendar year to end of State fiscal year.
S2602 (6/11/2018) — Co-primary sponsor — Allows wagering at casinos and racetracks on certain professional and collegiate sports or athletic events.
S247 (1/13/2020) — Co-sponsor — Increases minimum annual amounts for appropriation for certain arts, historical heritage, and tourism purposes from hotel and motel occupancy fee revenues.
Voting Rights and Election Administration
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S2633 (8/28/2020) — First primary sponsor — Extends ballot receipt and election certification deadlines; increases certain messenger and bearer ballot limits: requires certain information to increase public awareness and use of voting by mail.
S698 (10/8/2020) — Co-sponsor — Allows public office holder or candidate to use political contributions to pay for child care expenses related to office or campaign activities.
S1246 (6/11/2021) — First primary sponsor — Changes dates on which members of municipal and county committees of political party take office and hold annual meetings; transfers certain election responsibilities to county clerks.
S481/651 (4/17/2018) — Co-sponsor — Automatically registers to vote and updates voter registration for eligible person when applying for motor vehicle driver’s license, or non-driver identification card.
S1957 (8/24/2018) — First primary sponsor — Requires district boards of election to report every two hours number of voters who have voted at each precinct; authorizes challengers to request reported count.