Gopal Announces $250,000 Homelessness Prevention Grant to Social Services Nonprofit in Asbury Park

01/08/20 | News

Senator Vin Gopal today announced that the Community Affairs and Resource Center, has been approved to receive a $250,000 award from the Homelessness Prevention & Rapid Re-Housing 2 program. This award will provide funds to provide assistance and stabilization services to individuals or families who are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness in Monmouth County.

The Community Affairs & Resource Center (CARC) – formerly known as Hispanic Affairs and Resource Center – is a nonprofit social service organization established in 1980. CARC is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors comprised of community leaders. CARC provides a variety of programs and services which operate from two sites: the main office located in Asbury Park, New Jersey and a satellite office in Freehold, New Jersey.