Gopal, Houghtaling and Downey’s Princess Prom Project a Great Success

06/15/18 | News

Senator Vin Gopal and Assembly Members Eric Houghtaling and Joann Downey provided nearly 50 local high school girls with beautiful prom dresses through the third annual Princess Prom Project.

The expenses related to prom can add up quickly, especially for a family living on a tight budget. The Princess Prom Project works to alleviate a major expense by providing local high school students with a dress and accessories to ensure every student has the opportunity to enjoy prom.

“Prom shouldn’t be a privilege reserved only for those who can afford it,” said Senator Vin Gopal. “Everyone deserves to be a part of this special evening where they look and feel their best. We feel extremely lucky that we can help make that dream a reality for so many students within our district.”

The legislators called on the community to donate gently used formal gowns and cocktail dresses to the Princess Prom Project and were overwhelmed with generous donations, receiving three-times more donations of dresses, shoes and accessories than last year.

“Serving the people of District 11 is our primary focus. If we can help alleviate the burden of prom-related expenses for families who have to live by a tight budget, we are more than happy to do that,” said Assemblyman Eric Houghtaling. “We are so grateful to the community for joining us in our mission to make every girls’ prom dream come true.”

“We were overjoyed by the community’s incredible response to the Princess Prom Project,” said Assemblywoman Joann Downey. “We have always known we have some generous residents here in District 11, but the outpouring of support and donations was absolutely amazing. Our office was filled with beautiful dresses, just like you would find in a traditional prom store. We were thrilled to have the opportunity to give local girls the prom experience they deserve.”

The Legislators regularly host initiatives designed to support and benefit the community. Be sure to follow them on Facebook at Senator Vin Gopal and Assembly Members Houghtaling and Downey for updates on all upcoming community outreach initiatives.