Sen. Gopal Says Judge Russo Must Remain Off Bench

07/12/19 | News

OCEAN TOWNSHIP – Senator Vin Gopal (D-Long Branch) released the following statement in response to a report by the Asbury Park Press that Judge John F. Russo “knows it was wrong for him to ask an alleged rape victim if she kept her legs closed” but “wishes to return to hearing cases”:

“I’m glad to see Judge Russo admit his wrongdoing in this case, but we cannot let his or any similar case slide. We need to root out this dangerous and harmful bias from our judicial system in order to truly support survivors in their path towards justice and recovery. Survivors need to be confident that our judicial system will hear them.

“I thank the advocates on the ground who work tirelessly everyday to support survivors and work to ensure that officials are held accountable for their words and actions. It’s time to remove judges who have lost that trust and build a system that survivors can have faith in.”